Lama tak update blog. so, this is just a short entry.
Currently, ada dalam library uitm sabah ku yg tercinto. waiting for groupmate habis class & terus discussion ENT300. Though subject. Untuk org yg tidak berminat langsung dengan hal2 business ni and terpaksa belajar pasal itu, terpaksa buat project konon nak bukak business & jadi pula leader. its hard super hard dude ! And when one of your member is your senior? itu lagi tough. takut attitude terover or whatsoever. but i try my best lah kan. ohh so 1st draft aku kena pastikan habis discuss before holiday. which mean aku ada seminggu lagi untuk conduct and make sure semua okay. dengan assignment BEL312 lagi yg kena hantar lepas cuti juga.
ohh bytheway, tak kisah macamana pun aku kena tembak apa pun. aku akan make sure pointer aku naik sem ni. and no more repeat. Insyaallah. and this semester juga, tak kisah aku penat macamana sekalipun. aku akan datang juga class. especially utk class QMT181.
and yeah. me and my baby still having a sweet bitter sour relationship and can't wait to meet each other this 5th january.
God bless.